Google Glass: How Will It Impact The Greenhouse Industry?

Google Glass

You may be asking, what is Google Glass? It’s Google’s latest attempt to free data from desktop computers, tablets and smartphones, and place it right in front of your eyes. It’s a wearable computer with a glass screen that allows you to access the web, record video as you see it, perform actions based on voice activation and display useful information about what you’re looking at. It looks futuristic, like something out of a sci-fi movie, but will soon be upon us and used for both entertainment and productivity.


But why am I writing about this on a greenhouse site? Because it could very well change the way we do business.

Apps are just now being created by third-party developers and will be similar to smartphone apps. The difference is you will be able to control these apps using voice commands and you’ll see information displayed in front of your eyes wherever you go with the device.

Lastly, your hands will be freed up and you’ll no longer be tethered to a workstation. You’re free to work and move around anywhere while still being connected to all the information you need.

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I am already imagining the applications for a greenhouse. Think of these possibilities:

  • Adjust your climate control settings by saying, “Open shade 10 percent.”
  • Start watering a bench by saying, “Water bench 151.”
  • Look at a plant and automatically display information about it.
  • Snap a quick picture of the type of fan you need to order and instantly email it to GGS.

These are just a few of the endless uses. We want to hear from you! How can you see Google Glass being used in your greenhouse? What apps would you like to see on Google Glass? Sound off in the comments below!