Smithers-Oasis Now Offering Rootcubes Foam Media in Retail Pack

Oasis-Root-Cubes-Retail-PackSmithers-Oasis Company, which manufactures floral foam products, postharvest products, growing media, and flower arranging supplies for the floriculture industry, is now offering a new retail pack of its Oasis Grower Solutions Rootcubes foam media, an engineered growing media for increased rooting success.

The new retail pack is available in two sizes — a 104-count sheet and 50-count sheet — both containing two sheets of the foam media per box. Designed with smaller or hobby growers in mind, the Rootcubes packs are also ideal for larger growers to use for trials before purchasing in bulk quantities, which are also available.


Rootcubes’ ready-to-use growing medium is manufactured in sheet form, with individual cells shaped like cubes that are easy to separate. The consistency of the media and its air-to-water ratio creates more uniform rooting success that encourages plant growth. The foam media is sterile and pathogen-free to help reduce disease and insect issues.

“Our Rootcubes retail pack is sized for smaller or hobby growers,” says Jeff Naymik, Global Marketing Manager, Oasis Grower Solutions. “Larger growers will find the packs ideal for trials, prior to purchasing in bulk. The fresh, professional design reflects the Smithers-Oasis continued commitment to a scientific approach to solving growers’ needs and providing solutions for optimal growing.”

Rootcubes can be used for a wide variety of crops, including poinsettias, geraniums, hibiscus, New Guinea impatiens, fuchsia, foliage, perennials, woody ornamentals, and tomatoes.

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