Nick Gerace of Welby Gardens Named Head Grower of the Year at Cultivate’18

Nick-Gerace, Welby Gardens Head Grower of the Year at Medal of ExcellenceNick Gerace of Welby Gardens in Denver, CO, was named Head Grower of the Year at Greenhouse Grower’s Medal of Excellence awards program, held July 16 at Cultivate’18 in Columbus, OH. Gerace was also recognized for Excellence In Production Management. As Head Grower at Welby Gardens, Gerace has implemented full-scale growing procedures for all 27 growers at Welby’s three locations to ensure uniformity of practices throughout the operation.

“I love getting up every day and going to work,” said Gerace in accepting the award. “I want to make each day more productive than the last.”


Gerace has established several protocols to avoid cross contamination at any of Welby’s locations. His implementation of full-scale written procedures goes a long way to helping train new hires and encouraging long-term staff to adhere to high standards of production.

Learn more about why Gerace was a finalist, and eventual winner, of the Head Grower of the Year award.


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