Social Media Marketing Trends to Track for 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic had major implications, good and bad, for the horticulture industry. This includes digital marketing, with the pandemic-induced lockdowns changing online behaviors, and sparking new trends such as the accelerating growth of e-commerce and the evolving metaverse for digital connection. There’s also the work from home shift, and the migration to hybrid work models, which will have impacts for broader digital connection.

All of these elements will play a part in what’s coming next in the social media space, and how you can use social media to continue to reach your customers.


So what can you expect to see from Facebook, Twitter, and the rest in 2022? With the pandemic disruptions easing, it seems a little easier to predict the next stages, with more stable pathways appearing. In a recent blog post, the team at Social Media Today offers a platform-by-platform overview of key trends you can expect to see take shape in the 12 months ahead. While you may not be using all these platforms, if you’re selling direct to consumers, there’s a good chance your customers are using at least one of them.

Read the original Social Media Today post here.

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