Third Mystique Orchid Targets Halloween

Third Mystique Orchid Targets Halloween

Silver Vase is now introducing Lila Mystique, the latest in the company’s popular Mystique line that began with the world’s first blue Phalaenopsis orchid. Lila is available for a limited time to target Halloween sales.


“Studies show consumer spending on Halloween décor is second only to Christmas,” says Silver Vase CEO Andrew Bartha. “Lila Mystique’s striking purple color effectively targets the Halloween palette.”

Like Blue and Indigo before it, exclusive technology infuses Lila Mystique’s flowers from the inside, in this case transforming them to a lovely spectrum of lilac. Buds on the current stem will open to beautiful and softly fading light purple flowers because they were closed at the time of treatment. As the orchid’s life continues and it continues to grow, a new stem will bring white flowers.

Blue Mystique & Beyonce

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Silver Vase recently received unique exposure for Blue Mystique at a New York City event in which singer Beyoncé launched of a new fragrance. Beyonce was photographed in multiple shots with Blue Mystique. Check out photos on Silver Vase’s Facebook page.