2016 Missouri Botanical Garden Field Trials Results

The Missouri Botanical Garden trialed 108 entries this year. June was rainy and cool with more than average rainfall. While July had typical temperatures in the 80°F to 90°F range, it experienced more than average precipitation. August was hot with highs in the 90s and low rainfall.

Top Performers

Impatiens ‘Bounce Pink Flame’
Alternanthera brasiliana ‘Purple Prince’
Impatiens ‘SunPatiens Compact Fire Red’
Begonia ‘Megawatt Red Green Leaf’
Catharanthus roseus ‘Soiree Crown Pink’
Canna ‘Cannova Mango’
Canna ‘Toucan Rose’
Plectranthus (Coleus) ‘Inferno’
Impatiens ‘SunPatiens Compact Orchid’