Ball Mums New Catalog Now Available

The Ball Garden Mums team has announced the availability of its two-year catalog for 2022-2023 that focuses on new, cutting-edge varieties as well as program excellence at all stages. After years of extensive trialing across North America, the Ball Mums varieties featured in the latest catalog have been evaluated and selected for many attributes, including outstanding genetics, vivid colors, flower color retention, uniformity, durability and flexibility, excellent growth habit, reliability in production, and disease resistance.

“The Ball Mums team is ready to take your program to the next level,” says Cindy Drumgool, Business Manager for Ball Mums. “Beyond brand-new introductions, we’ve curated a robust assortment of online technical and culture tools to keep your crops on target and our customers on their way to a successful growing season.”

The 70-page  catalog is sorted by color and includes a guide to color selection, as well as a note from the experts on flower date details. Helpful icon symbols throughout highlight important characteristics or mum categories, such as heat tolerant, landscape excellence, or top performers.

Must-see new varieties are also called out, such as Roaring Red, a standout for the late season, and Kickin’ Spicy Orange, which offers a vibrant orange choice for early season sales. The Tribeca varieties have rich, long-lasting color in a new midseason family.

The 2022-2023 Ball Mums catalog can be downloaded or viewed online here. The website is also host to several digital resources, including the Garden Mum Growth Tracking Tool. To request a printed copy, call 800-879-BALL.