InfoGraphic: Greenhouse Cannabis Pruning 101

The below info-graphic ran in our March 2020 issue of Greenhouse Grower Magazine. I wanted to rerun it now, in case you may have missed it back in March, as we swing into Summer Solstice and cannabis plants begin the annual march to flowering. The advice below is the expertise of Solaris Farms (Las Vegas, NV) principal Michael Sassano, who manages a 360,000 sq. ft. hybrid greenhouse just a few blocks from the iconic Las Vegas Strip. Solaris produces greenhouse cannabis flower for local retail and extraction.

(Have cannabis pruning tips you want to share with other greenhouse/controlled environment agriculture growers? Think this is a topic we should be covering in a different manner? Please email your thoughts to Technology Editor Matthew J. Grassi if you’d like share your cannabis pruning success stories and tips. Thanks, Guys! – MJG)