Color Exravaganza

We know what you’re thinking: “Sure, cineraria are pretty in pots but what about the great outdoors? It’s not what my customers are looking for.” Look at Senetti cineraria, part of the Suntory Collection, and think again.

Traditional cinerarias are one-hit wonders, putting on a powerful display of potted color. The Senetti series (Pericallis hybrids), the first re-flowering cineraria on the market, changes the concept completely. In essence, the Senettis give you and your customer a two-season plant in each pot. Senettis offer four stunningly vivid hues that shout, “think spring” for weeks on end in the midst of winter, just when the indoor environment needs it most. And Senettis will bloom again — outside this time, when cool-but-kind spring temperatures arrive. Just cut back the first flush of flowers once they have faded to rejuvenate the plants for a second flush of color. 

For gardeners in mild-winter climates, Senettis offer a whole other option. Their tolerance of cool temperatures make them the perfect option for a cool-season color extravaganza. Once the petunias are nipped by fall’s cold snap, there’s no need to leave your beds and borders bare. Replant with Senetti cineraria for a colorful garden all winter long.

With this revolution in re-flowering, Senettis become a must-have crop for spring window boxes, baskets, beds and pots. The four hues, ‘Senetti Blue,’ ‘Senetti Blue Bicolor,’ ‘Senetti Magenta’ and ‘Senetti Magenta Bicolor,’ give full- to part-sun locations a colorful start. 

Dave Doolittle is director of marketing for EuroAmerican Propagators, 32149 Aqueduct Road, Bonsall, California, 92003, 888-323-0730, fax: 760-731-3054, e-mail:;