D.S. Cole Growers Announces New Plant Varieties for 2021

New Hampshire-based D.S. Cole Growers has released its 2020-2021 Young Plant catalog, which is now available on its website. With in-person contact limited these days, Owner Doug Cole says he wanted to give a good impression of the varieties in the catalog in the form of newsletters with detailed information on certain varieties, as well as videos.

The catalog consists of more than 900 varieties of young plants sourced from all over the world. Along with proven favorites, several new offerings are included.

“Every year, we try to add new products based on the ever-changing customer trends,” Cole says. “This year in the catalog, you can find new series such as Capella Petunias, Sol Luna Impatiens, Caldera Geraniums, Colibri Calibrachoa, Fuchsita Fuchsia, Florencio Begonias, and Bacio Begonias.”

D.S. Cole is also adding three foliage collections (Bromeliad, Pilea. and Hoya) and a new series of Durabella multi-liners.

D.S. Cole Growers’ e-newsletters feature updates and more detailed information on the availability of plants, series, or collection in question. To subscribe to the newsletter, go to www.dscolegrowers.com. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and enter your email address in the form fill.