Gardeners Turn To Proven Winners

Proven Winners spent much of March advertising the “Gardener Idea Book” in major magazines, and it’s had thousands of requests for the book as a result.

Among issues Proven Winners ads have appeared are the March issues of Martha Stewart Living, Real Simple, Oprah and Southern Living, and the March and April issues of Midwest Living. Gardeners in Ohio, Illinois and Michigan have shown the most interest in the Gardener Idea Book, Proven Winners says, and more than 128,000 visitors ventured to Proven Winners’ Web site in February alone.

Additionally, garden celebrity P. Allen Smith spent much of last week chatting about his new book, Living in the Garden Home, on a coast-to-coast radio and TV interview tour. Smith was scheduled for 18 national and local radio interviews, and he was even slated to appear on NBC’s Today Show and FOX News’ News Edge. Some of his media activities sponsored by Proven Winners rallied around the first day of spring.