Hort Couture’s Outdoor Orchids

‘Pina Colada’

Hort Couture’s patio and garden orchids are durable and developed for outdoor use. They thrive in heat and high humidity, blooming all summer in the garden as a landscape feature, on the patio or terrace as a container specimen or mixed with other summer blooming plants in combination. 

Most varieties reach an ultimate height of 18 to 24 inches. Hort Couture recommends bringing orchids inside for the cooler months and moving them back outside after danger of frost.

This revolutionary group of orchids is easy to grow in full sun or partial shade. They perform best with regular watering and a regular regiment of liquid fertilizer. They must have well-drained soils. They like pine bark-based soils, which offer good drainage and acid properties. Hardy to Zone 9, these free-flowering varieties are happy in the harshest of landscape conditions, thriving in hot areas.

For more information on Hort Couture’s orchids, visit HortCouturePlants.com.