Kansas State University 2016 Field Trials Results

In 2016, Kansas State University trialed more than 500 cultivars in the field and container trials. The heavy rains and cool temperatures in May, followed by a very hot and dry June, presented some environmental stress for many plants. July, August, and September were fairly average for the region, with high humidity and high temperatures that were mixed with occasional rainfall and cooler spells.

Top Performers

Begonia ‘Solenia Apricot’
Artemisia ‘Silver Queen’
Celosia ‘Kelos Fire Scarlet Improved’
Coleus ‘French Quarter’
Coleus ‘Mainstreet Michigan Ave’
Coleus ‘Under the Sea Sea Urchin Copper’
Cyperus ‘Prince Tut’
Dipladenia ‘Sundenia Coral’
Impatiens ‘Lollipop Bubblegum’
Ipomoea ‘FloraMia Rosso’
Ipomoea ‘Sweet Caroline Bewitched Green with Envy’
Vinca ‘Soiree Kawaii Coral’

Consumer Favorites

Basil ‘Balsamic Blooms’
Canna ‘Toucan Scarlet’
Canna ‘Cannova Mango’
Celosia ‘Asian Garden’
Coleus ‘ColorBlaze Apple Brandy’
Scaevola ‘Surdiva Blue Violet’