Memorial Rose Royalties Aimed At Education

Organizers envision the Michel Trudeau Memorial Rose becoming not just a living memorial, but also a symbol of growing awareness–one with tangible benefits for an organization that works hard to keep people safe.

The rose is a way of contributing to those programs that offer life-saving training and warning bulletins to both locals and the numerous international tourists who enjoy the area’s breathtaking but too often lethal backcountry.

All royalties collected on the rose will be donated to the Canadian Avalanche Foundation.
“It’s truly a gem and one that will grow and thrive in practically any conditions,” says Dave Adamson of Adamson’s Heritage Nursery in Langley, B.C.

Like other Rugosa roses, the Michel Trudeau Memorial Rose flourishes, disease free, from temperate coastal USDA Zone 8 to chilly -40°F winters of USDA Zone 2 gardens, and has outstanding value in home, municipal and commercial applications.

What differentiates this rose from those of its Rugosa parentage are snow white streaks through its deep pink petals, and spectacular autumn colour in plum-red hues.

Limited quantities of the Michel Trudeau Memorial Rose are available for the 2010 season. Growers interested in obtaining a license to propagate the rose and retailers looking for finished product should contact Adamson’s Heritage Nursery of Langley, British Columbia, which holds administrative rights to the rose.

About the Michel Trudeau Memorial Rose:

Bloom Time: Repeat flowering from spring to fall
Exposure: Plant in fertile, free-draining soil in full sun
Water: Mulch soil after planting and water two to three times per week until established
Height: Grows 4 feet high to 3 feet wide–bigger on the West Coast
USDA Zone: 2-9
Description: Long, pointed reddish-pink buds open to large, very fragrant, double-deep pink flowers with yellow stamens and white splashes in the center. It has silvery pink undersides, and it’s a medium-sized shrub with disease-resistant, glaucous-green ruffled foliage and prickly stems. New growth has red veining and reddish stems. Spectacular plum-red fall foliage and large red hips appear, and the rose grows well as a shrub in borders or as a hedge.