Monrovia Spotlights 2010 Plants

The ‘Yellow Doodle Dandy’ Itoh peony has a large, double flower, measuring seven to eight inches, with masses of clear yellow petals that form a perfect flower with a light and very pleasant fragrance. Blooms are held on strong stems just above a compact mound of dark green, trouble-free foliage.

The plant is very hardy and prefers full sun to dappled shade. It has excellent dark green foliage and lasts well into autumn. ‘Yellow Doodle Dandy’ is ideal as a cut flower, and it’s hardy to Zones 4-8.

Clematis continue to captivate us and ‘Vancouver Starry Skies’ is no exception. Sporting large, 8-inch fuchsia rosy-pink flowers that grow darker toward the center, flowers become paler with age. The mid-rib of the bloom, however, continues to be very colorful. This mid-rib is “dusted with gold,” which shimmers in direct sunlight. ‘Vancouver Starry Skies’ will reach 10 feet and prefers full sun. It’s hardy to zones 4–9.

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