Perennials For Plant People

Jelitto Perennial Seeds is a company of plant people. We love perennials and search the globe for durable species and rare gems, and keep our eyes on new versions of the tried and true. We currently offer more than 3,400 varieties. With 51 years in the perennial seed business, Jelitto is looking forward to the next 25 years serving the industry.

As breeders, our responsibility is to provide well-tested quality plants, as well as the information to grow and market them successfully. Producing a select seed strain takes years of trials and decision-making. What finally makes it to market is Jelitto’s best effort, and one that is useful in as many gardening climates worldwide as possible.

The needs of the young plant grower figures largely in our long-term breeding plans. Each year, Jelitto introduces seed items growers can adapt to their systems–easy to sow, consistent germination, good strong early growth and compactness for ease of shipment. We continue to research ways to make sowing and germination easier. Our offering of easy germinating Gold Nugget Seed and pure Jet seed varieties increases each year.

Looking ahead, Jelitto is committed to providing the best Web-accessible cultural information possible. We seek to provide all that a retail garden center would need to facilitate sales with an extensive image library and the latest grower tips.

We extend congratulations to Greenhouse Grower on 25 years covering industry trends and wish you continued success.

Mary Vaananen is North American Manager of Jelitto Perennial Seeds.