Poinsettias Shine Bright Red, Pink, and White at Field Day

Cresco, IA-based Plantpeddler recently conducted a field trial of 157 commercial and pre-release poinsettia varieties. Representatives of all major plant breeders, brokers, and growers were in attendance. The trial was conducted under natural season commercial production protocol, according to Plantpeddler.

Genetics represented at the field day were submitted by Beekenkamp, Dümmen Orange, Lazzeri, Rinehart Poinsettias, Selecta, Suntory, and Syngenta Flowers. The tested poinsettia varieties were grown within a block of benchmark commercial varieties with the same treatments and environmental conditions. This year, the fall production conditions represented a more typical cycle with average temperatures mid-September leading into initiation, noted Plantpeddler.

Trial attendees voted using a three-flag system for “Best Red Variety” and “Best Non-Red Variety” with a 3, 2, 1 point scoring.

Red Variety Top 10
1. ‘Mirage Red’ (Syngenta Flowers)
2. ‘Robyn Red’ (Beekenkamp)
3. ‘Astro Red’ (Beekenkamp)
4. ‘Tapestry’ (Dümmen Orange)
5. ‘Christmas Eve Red’ (Selecta)
6. ‘Aria Red’ (Syngenta Flowers)
7. ‘RF503CB’ (Dümmen Orange)
8. ‘Futura Red – 233’ (Lazzeri)
9. ‘Christmas Beauty’ (Red Selecta)
10. ‘Draco Red’ (Syngenta Flowers)

Non-Red Variety Top 10
1. ‘Superba Glitter – 746’ (Lazzeri)
2. ‘Alpina – 741’ (Lazzeri)
3. ‘Jack Frost’ (Rinehart)
4. ‘Frozen EK3818SP’ (Dümmen Orange)
5. ‘Pure White’ (Rinehart)
6. ‘Princettia Queen Pink’ (Suntory)
7. ‘Candy Cinnamon’ (Syngenta Flowers)
8. ‘Christmas Beauty Marble’ (Selecta)
9. ‘Golden Glo’ (Dümmen Orange)
10. ‘RF535JIN’ (Dümmen Orange)

Next up for Plantpeddler is its Variety Day trial event showcasing Annuals and its 40th Anniversary slated for early August.