Sorting Out The Home & Garden Shows

You may have read recently The New York Times story pointing out the decline in flower shows around the country due in large part to the economy. A bright spot appeared, however, in Minneapolis. The 75th Home & Garden Show there drew about 75,000 people over a five-day period at the beginning of March.

That’s a double-digit percentage increase from the year before, according to a story on “I think more people who weren’t do-it-yourselfers are becoming do-it-yourselfers because of the economy,” organizer Bruce Evans says in the story. “They are staying home, so they’re going to improve their home.”

Evans also told a local TV station many of the themes of the show focused on do-it-yourself projects on a smaller scale than previously showcased. Once at the show, people were talking about large-scale projects and planning major landscape changes.

Read more on the Minneapolis show here.

Read The New York Times story here.