Cashing In On Halloween

Did you know Halloween is now the second largest holiday for consumer spending, surpassing even Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day? Flower Promotion Organization (FPO) is tapping into this trend by promoting "Frightfully Fun Flowers."

"It’s estimated that total spending on Halloween in 2007 will be $5.07 billion, a 22 percent increase over 2006, with the average person laying out $64.82," says FPO’s Executive Director Stan Pohmer, citing research conducted for the National Retail Federation. "And of this, home decorating will account for $1.39 billion, or $17.73 per person."

Of the almost 9,000 consumers interviewed in the study, 47.8 percent of them stated they would be decorating their homes and 28.3 percent said they would be attending or hosting a Halloween-themed party, he says.

"There’s plenty of opportunity for some of those home and party decorations to include flowers, but many consumers wouldn’t think of our products as ‘top of mind’ for Halloween, unless we remind them of ways to incorporate flowers into their decorating and party planning," Pohmer says.

FPO created a release for floral retailers to promote their businesses and raise awareness of using flowers for Halloween and party decorating. Download the release with clever concepts designed by Jill Slater. "Fall is such a great time to add flowers to home decor," she says. "The rich colors and whimsical design options are not only great inspiration but create instant pizzazz."