Crazy About Labeling

The last thing growers want is for retailers to reject product because it doesn’t meet retail standards. So, perhaps, the second-to-last thing growers want is for retailers to reject product because labels are inaccurate.

But rejections based on inaccurate labeling happens, and a grower’s job isn’t just to grow anymore. As Marco Krouwel, quality manager at The Greenery, put it: Labeling is just as important as the quality of the product. Growers also must be logistics experts and marketers, among many other things.

Labeling is Growing 101 in 2009, though. So to avoid labeling errors, particularly with bar codes or numbers that identify where product originated, The Greenery designed a triple-check system that starts with a person in a labeling room, continues into a processing area where a worker double checks and finishes with an independent agency that reviews all product before being shipped. Krouwel wouldn’t say how many labeling inaccuracies The Greenery has, but it can’t be many with a system that puts three sets of eyes on all labels leaving the facility.