Favorite New Foliage Plant at TPIE 2020 Is out of This World

Monstera deliciosa ‘Thai Constellation’ earned the title of Favorite New Foliage Plant during TPIE 2020, netting Costa Farms its fifth consecutive win in the category.
Photo courtesy of Costa Farms

Sporting splashes of color reminiscent of a galaxy, Monstera deliciosa ‘Thai Constellation’ was chosen as Favorite New Foliage Plant during the recently held 2020 Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition (TPIE) in Fort Lauderdale, FL.

Grown by Miami-based Costa Farms, the award for ‘Thai Constellation’ marks the fifth year in a row the operation has taken home the prize for Favorite New Foliage Plant at TPIE.

Large glossy cut leaves with small splashes of creamy white color make ‘Thai Constellation’ a standout. As the plant ages, the leaves take on a different structure, which is how Monsteras earned the nickname “swiss cheese plant.”

In addition, this new variant of the popular M. deliciosa has gathered a strong following on social media. The trendy Monsteras already have their own hashtag #monsteramonday.

“A plant like this is ideal for those consumers looking for dramatic and showy foliage,” said Mike Rimland, Plant Hunter at Costa Farms. “Its eye-catching leaves have a cosmic-like draw to them.”

According to Costa, ‘Thai Constellation’ can be grown just about anywhere indoors. It can tolerate low light, but grows faster and becomes more dramatic in a bright spot. In most areas, it can take some direct sun on its leaves when grown in the house. The plant is somewhat drought tolerant. It is recommended to water regularly, just enough to keep the soil from drying out.

“The Monstera trend has expanded beyond the plant industry and into fashion and retail,” Rimland added. “Plants that have variegated foliage are particularly trendy, and we expect to see a lot of interest in ‘Thai Constellation’ because of its good looks and easy care requirements.”