Voice Your Thoughts on California Spring Trials Moving to Summer

Last month, Greenhouse Grower reported on the official move of California Spring Trials (CAST) from their traditional time frame of late March/early April to the end of June in 2021. The new dates (June 23-27) are designed to allow potential attendees to make the trip to the West Coast at a slower time of the year, while still giving breeders a chance to present high-quality plants.

The change is historic for a number of reasons, and we’d love to know what you think. Head over to Greenhouse Grower Community, and make your opinion known.

  • Will the June dates make it more likely that you can or will attend?
  • How might the new dates affect how you plan for the coming season?
  • What are your overall thoughts on the California Trials experience?

Voice your opinion and join the discussion!