Will Carlson Memorial Tribute Established

A Memorial Tribute has been established within the American Floral Endowment honoring Will Carlson, who died January 20 in East Lansing, Mich. Jack Van Namen of Vans Inc., a long-time friend and former student of Will, established the tribute. 

Contributions to the Will Carlson Memorial Tribute should be mailed to:

American Floral Endowment
c/o Will Carlson Memorial Tribute
1601 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

Memorial tributes are a way to remember and honor industry members, family and friends in a special and lasting manner. A $1,000 contribution establishes a tribute. Once established, contributions can be made in any amount.

AFE is a 501 © (3) not-for-profit and all contributions are tax deductible. The family is always notified of a contribution.

Learn more about Will Carlson’s.