Controlled Environment Agriculture Center Posts Series Of Webinars On Covered Environments

The University of Arizona’s Controlled Environment Agriculture Center (CEAC) has posted a series of webinars on its website. The webinars are part of CEAC’s “Covering Environments” monthly seminar series. Each of the webinars are available for free on-demand viewing.

Here’s a quick look at each part of the seminar series:

“The Birth Of An Agricultural Revolution: Controlled Environment Agriculture.” Presented by Dr. Merle Jensen, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus at the University of Arizona, the presentation is Jensen’s direct reflections on the steps he took to introduce modern hydroponic systems to urban food production.

“Recent Innovations In Vertical Farming Infrastructure.” This talk is presented by Fritz Schroeder, PhD., Professor of Agriculture & Landscape Management at the University of Applied Sciences in Dresden, Germany. Schroeder discusses new challenges that have arisen as plants are cultivated in ‘non-natural’ environments. These challenges emanate from the necessary infrastructure (lighting, ventilation, energy sources, and costs) to plant responses in these new environments (optimizing lighting, detection of stress signals that forecast plant deterioration and death, effects of ethylene accumulation and its early detection, etc.).

“Food Waste, Major Problem, Potential Solutions!” presented by Patricia Sparks and Victoria Ligon, both from the University of Arizona

“The Key to Survival on Mars.” Presented by Roger Kern, Ph.D., and Jacklyn Green, Ph.D., founders of Agate Biosciences, this seminar provides an update on continued efforts to develop technology and seek innovations to address pressing issues concerning urban, indoor agriculture, with a potential for application on Mars.

“16 Acre CEA Organic Vertical Farm,” presented by Ed Horton Jr., President and CEO of Urban Produce LLC in Irvine, CA. Horton is a national leader in vertical farming where he has applied technology and plant science to develop a patented high-density vertical growing system (HDVGS). The system was developed out of concerns for the long-term sustainability of traditional farming. It uses the latest technologies combing hydroponics, computerized environmental controls, and energy efficiency, while conserving water and space.

“Mycoculture and Integrated Farming Systems: Closing Food Production Loops,” presented by Dr. Barry Pryor, a Professor of Plant Sciences at the University of Arizona. Pryor has been a pioneer researcher linking the role of fungi to plant and human diseases and, importantly, to their value as medicinal and gourmet food sources. His approach to research and teaching is exemplified by his profound abilities to link the study of fungi to the history of food production, medicine, religion, and famine.

Go to to watch any of the webinars.