Bell Nursery Gets Creative With Home Depot

As Mother’s Day and Memorial Day sales passed for Home Depots throughout Ohio, Bell Nursery wanted to wrap up summer sales with a bang for the Fourth of July. To do so, it developed the first Bell Ohio Merchandising Contest with the holiday in mind.

Focused on end-cap displays, particularly their design creativity and sales totals, the contest’s themes were Stay-cation and Fourth of July. Judges scored out of a possible 100 points, and categories included creative design, additional signage, best practices and Home Depot involvement.

This year’s grand prize winner actually came from Home Depot store 2324 in Crescent Springs, Ky., a city just south of the Ohio border yet located in the Cincinnati market. Of the 21 contest participants, store 2324 accumulated the highest point total and won $1,000.

On a broader scale, in an effort to get people to feel good about shopping at Home Depot for locally grown flowers, Bell Nursery was featured on the front page of Sunday’s Washington Post and mentioned Monday morning on a CBS news show in the Washington D.C. area. To read the entire Washington Post article, click here.