Meet Walters Gardens’ Grower and Ukranian Refugee Kira Malinina

Kira Malinina’s journey to West Michigan after fleeing the war in Ukraine is a story of resilience and new beginnings. She left behind her life as a horticulture teacher, but fortunately the Ukrainian refugee was able to continue her passion by joining the staff at Walters Gardens in Zeeland, MI, where she has excelled.

“I like working at Walters Gardens for two reasons – I love plants, this is my hobby, and I am surrounded by wonderful people,” Malinina says in a recent article on “Before coming to the U.S., we lived modestly and not richly, but we were not homeless. I lived in Ukraine for 60 years, so here I feel like I’m on another planet.”

Malinina and Walters Gardens Inc. are the recipients of the 2024 Michigan Works! Impact Award for their contributions to workforce development in Michigan. They will be honored at the Michigan Works! Association statewide Impact Awards in Lansing on April 17.

“Kira’s transition from a Ukrainian horticultural teacher to a valued employee at Walters Gardens showcases the transformative power of determination, opportunity, and career development support,” says West Michigan Works! career coach Julie Sooy. “This is an outstanding example of the demand-driven model in action. I spent time learning about her background – she had experience in laboratory work, agriculture, horticulture, teaching, and as a florist – all the while considering potential businesses that may benefit from her expertise.”

Malinina’s horticultural knowledge led West Michigan Works! to connect her with Walters Gardens, a leader in employing refugees through its work experience program. Her experience, combined with her strong work ethic, quickly resulted in a permanent position at Walters Gardens. She has since advanced to the company’s trial gardens division, applying her knowledge of unusual plants and working with new and hybrid varieties.

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