Why Social Media Sites are Becoming the Next Big Online Search Tool

Google may still reign supreme as the world’s most popular search engine. But social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok are not too far behind, which means if you’re a plant grower or retailer who works directly with consumers, you need to make sure you’re on them.

According to a recent post on florist software platform Floranext, since Instagram and TikTok have switched the mainstream consumption of social media of quick video viewing, Google search and maps are being heavily impacted by a growing preference for social media and videos.

According to the post, younger users are often turning to apps like Instagram and TikTok instead of Google Search or Maps for discovery purposes. Based on research, when 40% of younger users, aged 18-24, are searching for a specific place, like where to get lunch or where to shop, they go straight to TikTok and Instagram.

Google has taken the initiative in updating Google search and maps to stay ahead of the change. Google Maps is incorporating augmented reality to help users position themselves in their environment by seeing a blue flashing icon. Google search is now including TikTok and Instagram links in search and they are currently in development of combining images and text as it imagines a future where users could hold up their phone and search based on what they see.

What does this mean for you, and what should you be posting on social media? Continue reading here to find out.