A Look at the State of Biologicals in the U.S. and Around the World

Biological solutions are everywhere in 2022. Whether the focus is specialty crops, greenhouse production, ag retail, or international agribusiness, biological crop protection is a topic that touches virtually every agricultural market.

To get a closer look at how biological solutions are being adopted across ag, we gathered the editors from several of Meister Media Worldwide’s brands for a roundtable discussion. The conversation covered everything from benefits and barriers to adoption, to the role of biologicals in sustainability initiatives, to where they see biological solutions headed over the next few years in the markets they cover.

“I think we’re definitely past the efficacy issue and whether they work or not. It’s been proven in our markets that biologicals work in a good IPM program,” said Janeen Wright, Editor of Greenhouse Grower. “But there’s still education needed. We hear questions about to how to use them effectively, how to rotate them with your chemicals, and how to deal with other spray treatments that you’re doing. I see a wide range in the knowledge about these products, and I think it directly correlates sometimes to how well or how much the growers are using them.”

Learn more about the roundtable, which is part of Meister Media Worldwide’s recent Biological Crop Protection report, here.