Greenhouse Aquaponics Grower Plans for Huge Expansion

Springworks, a Lisbon, ME-based aquaponic lettuce grower, has announced plans to expand from 18,000 square feet to more than 500,000 square feet of greenhouse space. The sizeable expansion will sustainably serve the farm’s largest customers, Whole Foods and Hannaford Supermarkets, as well as a wide range of local restaurants, stores, and other outlets Springworks supplies with certified organic varieties of lettuce.

The first 40,000 square-foot greenhouse will come online in May 2021, immediately tripling the company’s yearly production of Bibb, Romaine, leaf lettuce, salad mix, and other produce, as well as thousands of additional pounds of tilapia, which are instrumental to Springworks’ aquaponics greens-growing process. Springworks founder, 26-year-old Trevor Kenkel, who founded the farm in 2014 at the age of 19, attributes much of today’s growth to increased orders from supermarkets in response to COVID-19.

Learn more about the company here.