Highlights from the Greenhouse Production Tour at Cultivate’23

The greenhouse production tour was one of many hands-on, in-depth learning experiences available at Cultivate’23. Every year, the tour comes to new locations, rotating between Columbus, Cleveland, and Cincinnati. This time, AmericanHort took the tour group toward Cleveland to visit Green Circle Growers and Secrest Arboretum.

Green Circle Growers, ranked No. 8 on Greenhouse Grower’s Top 100 Growers list, boasts 6.5 million square feet of production space. Customer Service Manager Susan Kasper and Vice President of Growing Corwin Graves led the group through many production spaces at Green Circle, but only a small piece of its entire operation. Green Circle kicked off the tour with snow cones for all attendees.

The tour group also visited Secrest Arboretum and research greenhouses for Ohio State University Extension. Dr. Michelle Jones, Professor and Extension Specialist in the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science at OSU, led the tour, along with many graduate students excited to share their research with the group. Check out the slideshow for a virtual tour.