How One Growing Media Company Has Created a Model for Horticulture Sustainability

Polylactic acid Growblock on Growbag

Sustainability is the word on everyone’s lips in horticulture, including both growers and manufacturers.

Jiffy products has released its new report and five-year plan to keep its business environmentally green. As a leading growing media supplier, Jiffy is now focusing on building on those green qualities to be a truly sustainable company.

Above all, Jiffy aims to work with growers to support them in their journey to make their horticulture business more environmentally friendly. The Jiffy Group Sustainability Report & Five-Year Plan sets out how it is going about that mission.

Jiffy’s First Report and Five-Year Plan for Sustainability

Jiffy’s strategy is aligned with multiple UN sustainable development goals (SDG) (UN SDG 12, 13, 14, and 15) and is focused on four pillars:

  1. Use fewer fossil plastics and polymers
  2. Reduce our energy, water, and CO2 footprint
  3. Play a part in the circular economy
  4. Increase its range of sustainable raw materials

The report and plan set out what Jiffy has already achieved. It is also transparent about the challenges it faces as a company and industry. And it explains what it’s doing to change things around where needed.

Plastic-free Jiffy-7 and 7C

Jiffy is on track to eliminating polypropylene and polyethylene plastics netting on a major product group by the end of 2022. Switching Jiffy-7 and Jiffy-7C pellets and growblocks to biodegradable polylactic acid polyester will lower its fossil plastic consumption by around 100 tons a year.

Check out the new report to find more details.