Arm Your Poinsettias Against Key Insects

Whiteflies. To keep whitefly populations under control, drench the growing media with a neonicotinoid (MOA Group 4a) insecticide (e.g. Flagship), three to four weeks after planting (or after pinch). Before the neonicotinoid soil application, use products labeled for whitefly management, such as Avid, Endeavor, Scimitar GC, Talstar, Sanmite, Distance and Judo insecticides. If late-season control is needed, spray with Avid, Flagship, Talus or Tristar (only if a Group 4A was not drenched) insecticides using a spray adjuvant like CapSil.

Thrips. Avid, Botanigard, Conserve, Mesurol, Tame/Orthene tank mix (or total release aerosol) and Overture insecticides are some of the products used successfully for thrips management. After bracts form, use Avid or Conserve.

Fungus Gnats And Shore Flies. Good sanitation procedures are still the first line of defense for controlling fungus gnats and shore flies. Options for controlling fungus gnat larvae include Azatin XL, Citation, Distance, Duraguard ME, Gnatrol insecticides or beneficial nematode (Steinrnema feltiae) products, such as Nemashield, Nemasys and Exhibitline SF.