Learning Opportunity: Postharvest Handling Recommendations for Cut Flowers

American Floral Endowment (AFE)’s Grow Pro Webinar Series features nationally recognized researchers, hosts, and speakers offering how-to advice based on AFE-funded and other research projects to help the industry navigate through ever-changing growing challenges. The webinar topics are current and offer long-term opportunities for growers to focus on increased profit, greater sustainability, and improved labor efficiency. Each session includes a presentation and interactive Q&A. To see the full series calendar visit endowment.org/GrowPro.

The June 20 session of the series focuses on current postharvest handling recommendations for cut flowers. Postharvest handling is key to great customer satisfaction. Learn the latest postharvest research that you can use on your farm: long-term storage techniques, optimal time of day for harvest, selecting proper postharvest solutions, and an in-depth look at a couple of the most challenging species.

Topics will include:

  • New techniques for extending the time cut flowers can be successfully stored
  • Hints for handling challenging species

The featured speaker is Dr. John Dole of North Carolina State University. Dole is Interim Dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at NC State. He received his BS from Michigan State University and his PhD from the University of Minnesota, with both degrees in horticulture. He conducts research on cut flowers, unrooted cuttings, and a number of floriculture crops. Dole teaches a graduate level Physiology of Flowering course and has authored or co-authored eight books. He is Executive Advisor for the Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers (ASCFG) and co-manages the ASCFG Cut Flower Trials.

Click here to register for the webinar.