Learning Opportunity: Tips on Managing Boxwood Blight

The Boxwood Blight Insight Group and the Horticultural Research Institute are hosting a webinar on Wednesday, Aug. 23, to assist the horticulture industry in managing boxwood health in the nursery and in landscapes.

In the webinar, Dr. Jim LaMondia, a Plant Pathologist and Nematologist at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, will present research results and recent discoveries relating to boxwood blight management in nursery and landscape settings. These tactics will include targeted fungicide use, host plant genetics, and cultural controls.

Dr. LaMondia is volunteering as Emeritus Scientist and conducts research on the biology and management of plant pathogens and nematodes on a number of crops, including tobacco and ornamentals. His research focuses on the development and utilization of management strategies, fungicides and fungicide resistance, plant resistance to pathogens, and management with crop rotation and antagonistic crops.

You can sign up for the webinar here.