3 Kalamazoo Growers Pursuing MPS-ABC

Wenke Greenhouses, Sportel Greenhouses and Westrate Greenhouses all recently decided to begin the journey toward MPS-ABC environmental certificates.

In addition to these three Kalamazoo growers pursuing MPS ABC, the Kalamazoo Flower Group has taken steps to obtain its MPS Florimark TraceCert certification for handlers and wholesalers of flowers and ornamentals. The Florimark TraceCert certificate is specially made for cooperatives and groups that ship flowers and ornamentals from their growers, and for the wholesale/handler chain. Florimark TraceCert focuses on quality-control checkpoints and traceability of shipments in this part of the supply chain.

To learn more about MPS, contact its West Coast coordinator, Charlotte Smit, at (805) 524-9685 or c.smit@usa.my-mps.com. Contacts East Coast coordinator Sandy Hering at (508) 758-3008 or s.hering@usa.my-mps.com.