Online Only: Pots And Trays Showcase

Want more on pots and trays? Check out October’s feature,Tomorrow’s Containers, for industry suppliers’ takes on changing customer demands, new materials, and recycling. And you can read about the latest trends in decorative containers here.


East Jordan Plastics:
Project 100% Horticulture Container Recycling Program
East Jordan Plastics, building on its long history of plastic recycling, has engineered and implemented a closed loop recycling process that uses proven technology and ensures maximum energy efficiency and quality products. The company’s fist processing line in South Haven, Mich., has the capacity to recycle more than 10 million pounds of material annually. To arrange recycling of your plastic horticulture containers, or for more information, visit East Jordan Plastic’s Project 100% site.


Summit Plastic Company: Ä“co360
The Summit Plastic Company Ä“co360 line of products are engineered for the environmentally conscious grower and designed for the home gardener. OP47 Bio Pots, Poly-lactic Acid (PLA) Pots and Trays, Rice Hull Pots and NetPots, are all composed of sustainable, renewable resources.
The line is designed to perform in horticulture automation, maintain standard footprints in greenhouses and on shipping racks and resist mold growth. OP47 Bio Pots and PLA Pots and Trays are made in the United States using American-grown, processed and converted renewable resources. For more information, contact Summit Plastic Company.


Myers Industries Lawn & Garden Group:
Coconut Coir Growing Products
Coconut coir containers from Myers Industries offer visibly better, faster plant growth, maintain their form when wet, and will not compact, maintaining a proper air to water ratio. The coir comes from an inland source, so the material has naturally reduced salt levels. They also have a higher resistance to mold.
The containers are made from a biodegradable, organic material and in independent tests required 30% less watering than peat, making them an excellent option in sustainable programs. For more information, visit Myers Industries.


RootMaker Products Co.: RootMaker propagation containers

With their unique design of angles, ledges, ribs, and holes, patented RootMaker propagation containers are highly efficient at directing roots for air root pruning. By loading the container with active root tips, every plant is equipped for transplant success and long-term health.
For more information on Rootmaker propagation containers, visit the RootMaker Products Co., website.