Vineland Now Offering Biologicals Research Service

The Vineland Research and Innovation Centre in Canada has launched a new Biological Crop Protection research service.

The service is designed to support the introduction and use of new products and integrated pest management solutions to improve production efficiency, while promoting horticulture crop quality, environmental performance, and safe working conditions.

Services offered include:

  • Discovery and development of new bioprotectants: macrobial (predators, parasitoids) and biochemical
  • Evaluation of bioprotectants, biostimulants, biosecurity practices, plant resistance traits, and other IPM tools such as efficacy against pests and diseases; plant phenotyping, morphological, and physiological evaluation, plant and fruit quality assessment and phytotoxicity; biochemical plant responses (metabolomics); and determination of mode of action, plant protection mechanisms and interactions between products and practices
  • Process analysis to develop recommendations for implementation and optimization.

Growers from both Canada and the U.S. are eligible to participate. Depending on the product they want to test, interested parties may have to apply for a research permit (if it is not registered in Canada on the target crop).

Contact Rose Buitenhuis, Ph.D., Program Leader, Biological Crop Protection, for more information.