Why Managing Botrytis Involves a Range of Strategies

Almost any greenhouse plant is susceptible to botrytis, according to Carlos E. Bográn, Senior Technical Manager at OHP Inc. The disease is particularly common in bedding plants as well as geranium, calibrachoa, and even poinsettias

Botrytis is one of the most easily recognized diseases, according to Bográn, because you can visibly see the symptoms and the signs of the disease, including the fuzzy appearance of the spore-bearing structures of the fungus that become a whitish-gray, giving the appearance of gray mold, which botrytis is also known as.

“Botrytis can have other symptoms as well, including yellowing or browning of the infected tissue,” Bográn says. “But the characteristic symptom is the gray mold that is produced by the spore accumulation. By the time you see it, you can bet that those spores are spreading in the air.”

Learn more in the video below.