The future of water management for growers!


Water is one of the most critical issues in the coming years, especially for growers. In recent years, we have been experiencing increasingly longer dry periods and violent storms dropping large volumes in short timeframes. This has an impact on water quantity and quality. How do we deal with this? What can we do?

The world is changing

Due to the warmer climate, more pathogens are entering the water stream, directly impacting water quality. Because of all this, less and less ‘good’ water is available for horticulture. This is an issue: after all, the water quality determines the risk of diseases, such as root rot, but also the final quality of the plants. In other words: the water quality determines the end result for you as a grower. The demand for high-quality water will increase in the coming years.

During some timeframes, rain is abundant, and at other times there is a water shortage. The key question is how we can eliminate this imbalance and capture the water from rainfall and then use it during times when there is a shortage. Doing this is a challenge in many areas of the world.

How could we prepare for the changes?

For you as a grower, a number of things are important when it comes to water. First, guaranteed availability and certainty confidence that good quality water is always available and can be delivered to the plants. In addition, flexibility is extremely important. And when smart technologies can help save costs, that’s a bonus. So, what could you do to prepare for the changing world and achieve your requirements?

  1. Make future proof plan for your water management.
  2. Reuse water. For example, ebb and flood floors
  3. Ensure sufficient water buffering against extreme rainfall (read this blog about this topic).
  4. Measure the quality of your water. Ít will increase the quality of your plants.

We wrote more about these points in our white paper about water management for growers. We have 9 tips & tricks in this white paper. Visit our website to download the whitepaper.

Why does ErfGoed write about this subject?

ErfGoed is a Dutch company. We deliver ebb-flood floors (cultivation floors) and water systems. We want to help growers with their water management. For ErfGoed, water plays a key role every day. Our ebb and flood floor guarantees optimum use and reuse of water and nutrients. In addition, our silos/basins ensure that the water can be captured and stored. Thanks to our pump units, the water actually reaches the plant. In short: water is the connecting factor for us, and we enjoy writing about it.