Two new PGRs you need to know about

Two new PGRs are now available for growers to give their crops a head start.

Advocate is a new plant growth stimulant for plants that can be propagated from cuttings. It stimulates plants and enhances root growth. It can be tank mixed and applied with other products (fertilizers, fungicides, biostimulants, plant growth regulators, etc.) to improve plant health and early growth. Use it for total immersion, foliar spray, basal dip and basal long soak. Advocate is effective on cuttings, including woody ornamental cuttings, softwood cuttings, herbaceous and hard to root perennial plant cuttings, hardwood cuttings, pot rose cuttings, tropicals and others.

Crest is a plant biostimulant that can improve the germination of seed, plant emergence in cool conditions, root growth, seedling development and plant growth and development throughout the growing season. Use it in watering programs or as foliar sprays to reduce apical dominance and to promote bud differentiation, cell division, root induction and growth. Crest can be tank mixed and applied with fertilizers to improve seed germination and early season growth. It stimulates growth in nursery and greenhouse cuttings, transplant and production, as well as new cuttings and established shrubs, non-bearing ornamental trees, flowering plants and ornamentals. Use it for soft wood cuttings, shrubs and woody ornamentals, flowering plants and shrubs such as poinsettia, rose, azalea, rhododendron, crepe myrtle; and for other flowering and non-flowering shrubs.

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