Growing off the Grid? Greenhouse Looks up to Solar Panels

An enlightening research trial at Freeman Herbs north of the U.S.-Canadian border in Beamsville, ON, is proving that greenhouses can produce electricity from solar power without affecting the plants growing underneath.

The operation known for its fresh potted herbs, installed solar panels over a half-acre of its 15-acre facility last year. The results so far indicate Freeman Herbs could eventually produce all its required electricity onsite using solar panels.

“We could actually sell electricity (back to the grid) or increase the number of lights,” Marco de Leonardis, the company’s Research and Development Manager, told Niagara This Week. “[Though] We’re not here to sell electricity; we’re here to sell plants.”

The trial at Freeman Herbs is part of the project funded through a Greenhouse Renewable Energy Technologies grant. Ontario manufacturer Heliene produced the solar panels and installed sensors to monitor the plant growth.

To find out how the panels work and plant growth progress, continue reading at