Rough’s Poly Arch Design Is For Poly-Covered Roofs

Rough Brothers recently introduced a new wide span addition to its line of Poly Arch gutter-connected greenhouses. Developed to meet the needs of cost-conscious growers, the wide span Poly Arch structure is engineered specifically for poly-covered roofs and is available in either 30-foot or 35-foot widths. With more than 14 acres ordered or installed over the past year, this product has quickly become one of Rough’s most popular featured structures.

Insomuch as growers considering our new Poly Arch design are most impressed with the cost benefits this package offers, the real success of this house lies in its simplicity. With limited components, and an all-bolt-together design, this system is not only competitively priced but also easy to build.

Not lacking for strength, the frame incorporates heavy-duty 4-inch round gutter columns on 12-foot centers, 238-inch round pipe Gothic arches on 6-foot centers, easy-to-walk-in gutter assemblies and either a cable cross tie or fully webbed trusses. Optional rack-and-pinion ridge vents, roll-up side and end walls, pad-and-fan systems, as well as retractable shade and heat retention systems and a full line of heating solutions are available.

Some clients report price points in line with traditional ground-to-ground cold frames, with a substantially improved growing environment. If price is an issue, this house is worth taking a look at.