Slideshow: 8 Tropical Plants Your Customers Will Love

Colocasia ‘Maui Gold’



The Royal Hawaiian colocasia series from PlantHaven has been bred to be sturdy garden performers and container specimens. Each is disease-resistant with fabulous foliage, stem interest and a tidy clumping habit.

Colocasia ‘Maui Gold,’ which has unique white stems, and Colocasia ‘Hawaiian Punch,’ with its bright-red stems, are the latest additions to the series and provide striking complements to the series’ other cultivars.

Colocasia ‘Tropi-cools Madeira’

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Hort Couture

Alocasia ‘Loco’ from Hort Couture is a statement piece and the perfect accent piece for mixed containers. Crinkled, dark-green corrugated leaves are set off by white midribs.

Colocasia ‘Tropi-cools Madeira’ has velvety-black leaves that also work well in mixed containers. This compact grower reaches 2 to 3 feet in height, and unlike other black-leaved selections, it does not take over in the landscape.

Cordyline ‘Centerpiece Electra’ is a bright and showy C. terminalis form. It boasts bright fuchsia leaves streaked with hot-pink and creamy-chocolate striations.

Mandevilla ‘Fire & Ice’

Fury Genetics

Mandevilla ‘Fire & Ice,’ the newest introduction from Fury Genetics, combines beautifully variegated foliage with vivid-red flowers. ‘Fire & Ice’ offers distinctive silver-green and cream variegated foliage, which has a beautiful pink blush as it emerges. Its unique foliage provides a striking backdrop for its abundant flowers. Flowering continuously from early spring to first frost, this variety puts on a fantastic display throughout the season.

Eucomis ‘Glow Sticks’

Terra Nova Nurseries

Eucomis ‘Glow Sticks’ has glowing, sword-like foliage that changes from coppery-gold in the spring to a burnished gold in the summer. The ruffled foliage is upright, not floppy like some cultivars. White flowers on a pineapple-like spike complement the golden foliage.


Caladium ‘Creamsickle’

Bob Hartman’s Classic Caladiums

Caladium ‘Creamsickle’ is a 2013 white and burnt-orange fancy-leaf introduction from Bob Hartman’s Classic Caladiums program. It creates a new look in caladiums with a burnt-orange leaf pattern and contrasting white center and veins. De-eye to intensify its color and improve habit. ‘Creamsickle’ is suitable for pot sizes 4 inches and larger, and it grows fast with a very short pot crop time. This cultivar is excellent for landscaping and is sun-tolerant.

Caladium ‘White Cap’ is a 2013 fancy-leaf introduction that has white veins, ‘White Christmas’-type white windows and green margins. ‘White Cap’ has an upright habit and should be de-eyed for pot production in sizes 4 to 10 inches. It sprouts and finishes quickly. In the landscape, ‘White Cap’ prefers partial-sun to shady locations.