2013 Field Trial Results: University of Georgia

University Of Georgia Trial Gardens, Athens, Ga.

Trial Manager Meg Green says the summer was the most unusual of any in the past decade or more. Lower-than-normal temperatures in the high 80s and abundant rain (almost to the point of too much) marked the spring season for this intensely planted garden. Between 800 to 900 cultivars of annuals are trialed here, along with some perennials.


Despite concerns about disease, Green says she saw very little evidence of it. In late summer, the rain stopped and temperatures soared past 90°F. However, nearly all of the plants continued to thrive.

Top Performers:

Acalypha ‘Inferno’
Caladium ‘Summer Breeze’
Gomphrena ‘Las Vegas Purple’
Hibiscus ‘Panama Red’
Impatiens ‘SunPatiens Compact HotCoral’ (in sun) (New Guinea)
Plectranthus ‘Stained Glassworks Luminesce’ (coleus)

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