Biopesticide Industry Alliance Launches New Website

The Biopesticide Industry Alliance (BPIA), a non-profit organization committed to communicating the benefits of biopesticide technology and products, launched a new website at

Built from the collective knowledge of its member companies, the site was developed in response to the rapidly increasing level of interest in biopesticides among growers, researchers and crop professionals. It provides current and future adopters with fundamental, science-based information about biopesticides in a logical, easy-to-understand format, and includes information on problem/solution scenarios, biopesticide categories, market growth and more.


Robert Holm, membership committee chair and newly appointed vice chair of the BPIA board of directors, says the development of the new website mirrors the broader recognition of the value of biopesticides within mainstream agriculture. At BPIA’s annual spring meeting, Holm reported BPIA membership increased by more than 50 percent –from 34 to 53 – since Spring 2009.

As former executive director of USDA’s IR-4 program and with more than 40 years in crop protection, Holm has seen the biopesticide landscape change dramatically in the last few years.

 “Just 10 or 15 years ago, there were only a few companies involved in biopesticides,” Holm says. “But you can see through our membership how quickly that’s changing. As biopesticides and their benefits have become better understood, there’s so much interest that big companies are getting involved.

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