Allan Presents The Best From GroLink, Green Fuse And Fides

Allan Presents The Best From GroLink, Green Fuse And Fides



Euphorbia ‘White Manaus’:  In the trials at the University of Georgia last year, we trialed 6 different annual euphorbs and without doubt, this one had the cleanest white color.  At the trials, it was equally white and although compact may not be an adjective I would put in front of the name, the plants fill out rapidly and are worth trying if looking for white filler.

Interesting “out there” plants:  Gro Link does many things, growing stock for URCs to selecting plants.  I have always been impressed with the variety of unusual plants GL puts on the table.  Plants like Bulbine, Centratherum, Alternanthera and Acalypha are just a few that allow the grower, retailer and consumer enjoy these off the common path plants.  With Pedilanthus, Pereskia and climbing Senecio being displayed this year, it is obvious that Grow Link will be one of the places where unusual will be usual.

Green Fuse

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Begonia Beaucoup series:  I was impressed with the foliage and flower colors of this hybrid B. bolivensis group of plants.  The flowers were wider than the normal “Bonfire” model and the leaves softer and lighter green.  Three colors were displayed and all appeared to be reasonably uniform and very handsome.  I look forward to seeing this in garden containers very soon.

Petunia ‘Blanket Violet’:  Another wow plant on our road show for sure.  With an obvious white eye in every large blue-purple flower, with a habit that literally blanketed the surroundings, this was an “I have to have” petunia.  When Delilah started hugging and caressing it, I knew this was going to be a winner.   


Dahlia Hyptotica series: The breeding efforts on dahlias at Fides are next to none, they continually refine their work with this crop resulting in excellent plants for the grower and consumer.  The latest colors in the Hypnotica series combine pizzazz with good habit and good bench time.  The colors are quite dazzling and the series is as uniform as any I have seen.

Pelargonium Master Idols series: We saw 6 wonderful colors in this vigorous well-branched series of pelargoniums.  They appeared to have the ability to produce multiple shoots and fill a basket quickly.  These should be excellent for large baskets or as eye catching plants around the patio and porch.