Horticulturist And Entomologist Jen Browning To Speak At The 2016 Farwest Show

Horticulturist and entomologist Jen Browning will be speaking at the 2016 Farwest Show (Aug. 25-27 in Portland, OR) on the use of nematodes in the control of pests in greenhouse and nursery production. Browning’s talk, “Nematodes for Problem Pests in Nursery & Greenhouse,” will include an overview of the types of pests that can be suppressed or controlled with nematodes.

Attendees will learn about the conditions for application and best management practices to ensure success. Additionally, Browning will cover how to handle, store, and inspect beneficial nematodes for quality. A demonstration of quality assurance procedure for nematodes will be included, along with a Q&A session.


Browning, Technical Service Specialist, BASF Professional & Specialty Solutions, works in field development for BASF’s Turf and Ornamentals division. A graduate of Oregon State University with a B.S. in Horticulture and an M.S. in Entomology, she has worked in landscape design and with retail and wholesale nurseries. Based in the Pacific Northwest, Browning works closely with nurseries, greenhouses, superintendents, and landscape managers to provide solutions and support for success with BASF’s line of crop protection products. She is involved in many functions of BASF’s product line, from chemistry to biologicals.

Browning’s talk will be delivered Thursday, August 25. The session will also be translated in Spanish.

For complete information on Browning’s session and to register, visit www.FarwestShow.com.

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