Protecting Against Root Rot

Protecting Against Root Rot

Root rot is a continuing problem for today’s ornamental growers. Hurricane fungicide, a new addition to the Syngenta ornamental portfolio, provides effective, easy control of all major root rot diseases, including Pythium, Phytophthora and Rhizoctonia. Hurricane eases the challenges of identifying these various root rot diseases.


Hurricane fungicide provides both systemic and contact protection — two different modes of action. This combination of two premiere active ingredients provides optimal, lasting and cost-effective fungi control. Hurricane can be applied to the roots of the plants by drenching using microjet, drip irrigation or with hydraulic systems. It can also be incorporated as a pre-potting media drench.

Hurricane can be enhanced to treat stem disease as well, by tank mixing with Medallion to control Thielaviopsis, Cylindrocladium and Sclerotium rolfsi.

Syngenta’s Ornamental Market Manager Eduardo Moreira says, “Effective root rot disease control is essential to ensure that growers remain profitable. Hurricane offers growers an easier way of protecting their crops at the root.”

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Syngenta provides e-learning modules at for all of its products, including the newly released Hurricane product. These training modules offer ornamental growers dosage information, helpful tips, facts and questions to ensure the proper and successful use of Hurricane fungicide.