9 New Mystic Mums To Try In 2013

Meridian Purple is one of the mid-season varieties in Fides Oro's Mystic Mums Series, which offer five different series tuned for natural season flowering.Growers of Fides Oro’s Mystic Mum line of chrysanthemums now have nine new color choices in addition to the 25 colors already available. Bred especially for large flowers, a flexible, mounding growth habit, outstanding color retention and long shelf life, Mystic Mums have an additional benefit: easier scheduling for growers. Depending upon the cultivar, flowering begins very early and continues late into the season under natural conditions.

New Colors For 2013 Are:


‘Daybreak Bright Yellow’ (very early) — Rich, yellow decorative flowers with outstanding color retention.

‘Daybreak Pure White’ (very early) — Pure white decorative flowers for the very early natural season market. Excellent flower quality with a bit of an upright mounding habit.

‘Sunbeam Bronze Bicolor’ (early) — Bronze-gold two-toned flowers, nice for bushel baskets or any fall natural-season program.

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‘Sunbeam Dark Bronze’ (early) — Flowers start out red and finish dark bronze. Uniform round habit.

‘Sunbeam Red’ (early) — Superb, rich, red color, super for the early natural season. Upright mounding habit – nice for shaded programs where spacing is tight.

‘Sunbeam Dark Red’ (early) — Large, deep red flowers with great color retention that compliment the dark green foliage. Strong mounding and flexible habit.

‘Meridian Dark Pink’ (mid-season) — Beautiful large, dark-pink flowers with good color retention. Flexible mounding habit.

‘Meridian Deep Red’ (mid-season) — Excellent red with medium-sized dark red decorative flowers.

‘Afterglow Red’ (very late) — Beautiful late red with big flowers and a mounding habit. Best for large containers for late sales.

For more information visit Fides-Oro.com.