Tips on Producing a Better Greenhouse Cucumber

Hazera Cucumbers in a greenhouse greenhouse cucumbersThe production of greenhouse cucumbers has expanded rapidly over the last few years. Greenhouse cucumbers can be one of the most productive crops. However, productivity relies on precise control of irrigation, plant nutrition, and the growing environment, in addition to the effective management of pests and diseases.

Greenhouse cultivation of cucumbers has many advantages over regular, open-field cultivation. This article from Hazera discusses some of these advantages and the need to prioritize cucumber production under greenhouse cultivation.


Enhanced Production

Cucumber responds and grows best when conditions of high temperature, humidity, and light intensity are combined with a constant and plentiful supply of water and nutrients. Cucumbers produce numerous fruits under optimal growing conditions, but in order to be cost effective and sustainable, it is crucial for growers to make the right decisions about cultural management, nutrient management, pest and disease management, labor balance, and marketing.

The cucumber crop needs to be examined frequently, and its growth should be directed and precise. The challenge for growers is to keep the plant balanced and attain the best fruit production.

Managing the Cucumber Plant

The grower’s crop management objectives change over the different phases of the cucumber crop’s growth. After transplanting, the grower’s goal is to have a good establishment and a healthy, vegetative cucumber plant. The focus should be on establishing a strong healthy root system to support the plant fruit production afterward, in parallel to a strong balanced plant. Effective plant management, resulting in optimal production, requires control of the growing climate conditions, soil, plant density, watering, and pest and disease control.

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Ideal Greenhouse Environment

Climate Conditions: Cucumbers demand very stable climate conditions. The ideal humidity should be around 60% to 70% during the day and higher at night. While maintaining precise temperatures is necessary in order to optimize the production of cucumbers, there is a relationship between temperature and light, even though cucumbers can grow with less than 12 hours of light.

Soil: It is important to have a good media/soil depth; the recommended pH range for good plant development is 5.5 to 6.8.

Humidity: Careful management of humidity in the greenhouse is an important part of maintaining both crop production and crop health. Humidity can influence everything from plant growth rates to disease problems. Cucumbers perform well under conditions of high relative humidity.

Watering: In low humidity conditions, water supply is critical. Cucumbers grown at lower relative humidity conditions require a lot of water, and water shortage causes misshapen fruits, abortion, or less vigor to sprout secondary shoots. It is very important to ensure the availability of water, especially after the beginning of harvesting.

Pests and Diseases: Greenhouse humidity also impacts the presence of pests and diseases. If leaf surfaces become wet from drops, condensation, or misting, the risk of infection increases. Good cucumber disease management should include crop hygiene practices, rapid positive diagnosis of any unfamiliar or unusual plant symptoms, and routine monitoring and treatment.

Learn more cucumber production tips from Hazera, and check out the company’s cucumber selections, here.